This city is absolutely rammed full of amazing art galleries and museums. We’ve got everything from major contemporary art museums to high end commercial galleries, stunning local institutions to incredible independent spaces. That means that there are a lot of exhibitions to see.
But how do you sort the good from the bad? How do you decide which shows are worth spending your meagre free time on? Well, we’re here to help. We go to every major exhibition in London, and a lot of the smaller ones, and we figure out what’s a masterpiece and what’s a disasterpiece. Our art editor (me!) spends his week trudging the streets of London, going from gallery to gallery, to help you figure out what’s worth heading into town for. Our critera is simple: we want the best. It doesn’t matter if it’s painting or conceptual installation, if it’s old or new, it just has to be good. Really good. And this list right here is the best art we’ve seen recently, and it’s updated throughout the week.
Eddy Frankel is Time Out’s art editor, he literally forces himself to get out of bed every day just to go look at paintings and sculptures. It’s a tough job, but apparently someone’s got to do it.
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